Celebrating 20 Years of Global Ministry!

AllWorship is celebrating our 20th Anniversary this year! Thank you for listening and supporting the ministry to bring us to this point.

As a thank you for your support in September, any monthly gift of $20 or more, we'll send you a 20th Anniversary commemorative metal tumbler. Your gift today helps this worldwide worship ministry share the Good News with thousands of people every day. Our goal is $25,000. Thank you in advance for your generous gift today!

when we pray


I Lost My Job

  • I am about to lose my job at the end of the month. None of my family or friends know. I have applied and continue to look for another, but so far I’ve only received rejections. I am currently in debt, and in the process of slowly paying it down. Often times, I’ve been catching myself feeling anxious and angry but thankfully I am always able to remind myself that God loves us and is always there for us. I am kindly asking for prayers to receive this new job opportunity that I’ve applied for. Thank you, and God bless.

    Pray For This

    Prayers for my marriage

  • Pray as it seems my life is spinning out of control. My marriage is ending. I pray for God’s strength as I navigate through this. Please pray with me that my child will come out of this with a stronger faith in God. My dad is also going through health challenges, please pray with me for healing mercies.

    Pray For This

    For My Daughter

  • Please pray for my high school daughter who is on a missions trip out of the country. She had a severe panic attack this evening while she was trying to go to sleep. Please pray that she will get some rest, and that she will enjoy serving the Lord the rest of the week.

    Pray For This

    Prayers for my father

  • Prayer request for my father. He starts chemo tomorrow. Prayers that it will help him and not hurt him. Prayers that he can still be independent. Prayers for healing of body, mind, and spirit.

    Pray For This

    My Family

  • Please pray for God’s wisdom and provision. I’m currently 7 months pregnant with our second child, and we are going through a very difficult time financially. We both work, but added medical bills and ever increasing costs of living have put us into debt. I’m worried about being able to take care of our family.

    Pray For This

    When We Pray

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    articles, stories & news

    The Day

    Do you believe that the Day is on the way? What Day? THE Day--the day when this limited reality in which we currently exist gives…


    The Burning

    Celebrating Twenty Years of Ministry

    A Leap Of Faith

    How Long Has It Been?

    verse of the day

    Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things, God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore, do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. (Eph. 5:6-10 NIV)

    Eph. 5:6-10 NIV

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